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  • Joshua Hill

The lone nut...

The other day, i was talking with a friend. After our conversation, she sent me a link to this video. I got a kick out of it. The particular copy she sent was the version that focuses on the cell phone video called "the lone nut", The naration originally comes from This Dan Sivers Ted talk. This video has been floating around for 12 years, so you may have been one of the millions of people who has already seen it.

In terms of climate change, there are a lot of nuts in this forest. When you want to know where to find them, the smart money is on looking for squirrels. Squirrels live on nuts. They are quick to latch on to the good ones and toss the bad. You see them all around.

Look at your neighbor with the electric car. And what about the house with solar panels over there? I really like the guy with the nature-scaped yard and the sweet old woman that helps him maintain it. Earlier today someone was telling me they had their certification as a general contractor for passive homes. A buddy of his has two passive housing complexes in process. You really don't have to shake the tree very hard.

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